March- 2003

Friday, 28th, 1849 (6:49p.m.)

Want to wish everyone a GREAT WEEKEND! I am so glad it is finally Friday! This past week seemed to go on forever. But then, don't they all? *grin*

Hubs is home today, so I have been spending time with him. It was their "Pat on the Back" for exceeding their goal for engine production this month. We went to lunch with a couple friends and enjoyed our afternoon. It was absolutely BEAUTIFUL here in Virginia Beach today. We managed to get up in to the high 70's. Unfortunately, it isn't going to last. They are forcasting us to drop down to the high 40's at the beginning of the week. UGH!
I found 2 wonderful graphics that I kidnapped from LindaLou's. Aren't they awesome?

If you click on the graphics, they will take you to Linda's great sight and you can kidnap one for yourself. While you are there, take a look around. Linda is a great lady!

I also made a few new blinkies. If you want one, they are available at my Blinkies4U page:

I am off to enjoy the rest of my evening. Will try to visit with you all this weekend. If not, then I will see you all on Monday.

~Hugz~ ... Sue ~~~

March- 2003

Thursday, 27th, 917 (9:17a.m.)

Yesterday was so uneventful that I didn't want to bore you all with my mundane life. Granted, today is proving to be just as boring, but I wanted to jump on here and say HI! Hope everyones week has been good so far and that you all are looking forward to the weekend. I know I am!

Well, today was WEIGH IN for me and I am happy to tell everyone that I lost a whopping ~2 lbs.~ I was pleasently surprised because as you can tell my my food journal, last weekend wasn't exactly what you would call disciplined. But, thankfully all the time spent in the gym has paid off. It is a good thing that I like going, huh?! I want to lose a total of 20 lbs by Summer. I have 10 more weeks before the 1st week of June. So far I have lost a total of 10 lbs., but only 5 lbs since I have been charting w/ my . So, if I have you completely lost, I still want to lose 15 more lbs before the first week of June. That is a little more than a pound a week that I have to lose. I guess if I put my mind to it, I will be able to do it. If I do, it will be so much easier to get to my September goal of 140 lbs. It will leave me a total of 13 lbs to lose in 14 weeks, and I am so much more active in the summer and it is easier to stick to a work out plan.

Now that I have completely lost everyone with my rant about weight loss, I guess I should move on! I have made a few more blinkies that are on my Blinkie-4-U page. They aren't the best, but I was just diddlin' around. I am going out this weekend to purchase the Paint Shop Pro - 7 program. I have it downloaded for a 30 day trial right now and am on day 23, so I know my time is running out. I found it at Circuit City for $79.99 and there is a $30.00 mail-in rebate, so I would only be paying $49.99 by the time it is done. Can't beat that. Also, there is a drawpad that I am dying to get but know that I have to budget myself and buy one at a time.

Talking about budgeting ... Hubs and I sat down the past couple of nights and went over all our bills, (and there are a lot of them), and have managed to work out a budget and financial plan that will make us virtually Debt-Free by the time he retires, which we are projecting to be in the late spring/early summer of 2008. We will have all our CC bills and loans paid off, aside from the house, but we are planning on selling and moving anyhow. It puts us on a tighter spending allowance, but I think we will manage. We tend to spend more than we need to anyhow.

Well, I am off to bloghop and see what is happening around the cyberworld. Wishing you all a sunny day! br>

~Hugz~ ... Sue ~~~